RecWell Events

Unified Volleyball

GVSU Campus Recreation and Special Olympics of Michigan are teaming up to play Unified Soccer this Spring. JOIN TODAY!

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Unified Volleyball is a new 7 on 7 intramural league here at GVSU that partners Special Olympic Athletes with GVSU students. Each team is a mixture of athletes and students competing against other teams. It is a great cause that promotes involvement, sports, and leadership outside of the classroom. For a better idea of the program, check out this  YouTube video!


How to Sign Up

  1. Join the Blockers or Spikers by clicking here
  2. Create a FREE IMLeagues account or use your existing account
  3. Show up to the games ready to have fun!

There will be no cost for volleyball. We will have two teams and the games will be 7 on 7 (4 athletes and 3 partners – we can adjust to 8 on 8 if need be).


Games will be held on Wednesday evenings and will start at 7pm. The league will be 4 weeks long and will be on the following dates.

  1. October 21st
  2. October 28th
  3. November 4th
  4. November 11th


For more information, please visit:


Mackenzie Lucius

[email protected]

(616) 331-3973


This event also occurs on 6/10/15, 10/28/15, 11/4/15 and 11/11/15

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Page last modified October 19, 2015