RecWell Stories

Shaylee McAuliffe

Shaylee McAuliffe

"Last semester I received a 4.0 and I could not be more proud. I worked so hard by studying weeks ahead of time, staying organized, and asking my professors questions. I never gave up when I became frustrated, but instead I would ask for help and do the best that I could. When I started college I was a nervous wreck and could barely focus on school due to being so homesick. However, after finding a great group of friends, exercising, and eating healthy I gained the confidence to work hard in class.

I love group exercise classes because I am more motivated when I have a set time for a workout and a group of people to do it with. There is a great variety of options of classes which is awesome because it helps me decide what works best for me each week.

Group exercise classes were a great way to connect with friends. We would all decide to go to Zumba or yoga together each week. We would look forward to yoga every night to festers from classes all together."

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Page last modified August 26, 2019