RecWell Stories

Jessica Phillips

Jessica Phillips

"When my son was born, I was only 1 year into my college career. Fitness and physical health were the last things on my mind. A move across the country, to an unfamiliar state and university (GVSU) was isolating and my physical/mental health declined rapidly. In April 2019, I took the plunge... I started going to the Rec Center every day, counting macros, and holding myself accountable for my attitude. To help with accountability, I started to play a mental game with myself ---> that the front desk people would KNOW if I wasn't there that day and would wonder why. Now, they know I need 2 large & 1 small towel when I walk in the door. They are kind, helpful, and non-judgmental. Worrying about judgment as an older nontraditional student was my fear and excuse for staying out of the gym for over a decade!

I am in the best shape of my life after losing 25 lbs and gaining immense self-esteem! I sleep better, I haven't been sick since May, and my depression and anxiety is gone. More than anything, I learned how to take my life back and I CAN DO HARD THINGS! It has become a place where I feel most comfortable because there I can be the best me, and that is why I GVRec!

My involvement in Recreation & Wellness has changed my experience at GVSU. I was a typical exhausted student before I started exercising everyday. However, I had a 4 yr old, husband, and home to manage after classes. My day never ended. I didn't cope well with the pressures of my personal and student life. Fitness has become a massive stress reducer, I have more energy throughout my day because of my morning workouts, and I am a better student now that I workout regularly. My prior lifestyle wasn't sustainable for much longer, and while I may be a late bloomer....31 has been the best year yet :)"

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Page last modified October 25, 2019