RecWell Stories

Clint Ivory

Clint Ivory

"I joined the AORE Campus Challenge and really enjoyed it! I participated in this challenge because I was encouraged to download the app by Kaileigh and Dharma, and it seemed to be a good chance to get outside more and have a little friendly competition. Once I downloaded it and started uploading activities and photos, I decided I would keep going until the challenge was over. This was definitely the most selfies I have ever taken, which was a fun change of pace! I really enjoyed the small push to go outside and unplug that the app provided, and I also really enjoyed the competition aspect as well. It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to do it again next year!

My involvement in Recreation & Wellness (and the AORE Campus Challenge) has impacted my experience at GVSU because it has made me much more appreciative of the beautiful campus that we have at GVSU. It really helped me de-stress and have something fun and constructive to focus on when I was bogged down with homework."

Top performer in #AORECampusChallenge with 2197 points (ranked #32 most outdoorsy participant in the nation)

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Page last modified October 15, 2019