RecWell Stories

Emma Merlington

Emma Merlington

"Getting started with the UFit program during my freshman year at GV helped me to take control of my personal health and fitness. It gave me personalized options for working out and helped motivate me to schedule in time for the gym. Getting started with a trainer helped me stick with my fitness plan, even three years later.

I use Campus Rec's resources because I know their goal is to help me feel good about myself. They want me to be satisfied with my lifestyle and help me work toward the goals I've set for myself.

My involvement with Campus Rec has helped me feel like I belong to a community within GV that has the same motivations as me. Being physically healthy has helped me succeed in the classroom & improve my mental health. When I feel like I'm doing good on a basic level, I feel able to succeed in other areas of my life."

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Page last modified July 8, 2019