RecWell Stories

Anna Huizenga

Anna Huizenga

"I unplug for my "me" time, but I also unplug so that I can be social with the people around me. 

I am a distance runner, and to unplug, I don't listen to music when I run (crazy, I know). I also make an effort to not use my phone in class, on the bus, or walking on the sidewalks. It is important to be alert and aware of your surroundings when running, especially when you're running alone, outdoors, or in the early morning/night. There's something incredibly therapeutic about listening to nothing but your feet pounding on the ground. When you run without music, its just you, your goals, and the road! It also allows my thoughts to drift to things I need time to thinking about, and I can usually solve all my problems throughout the course of a long run! (Sometimes I'm so deep in thought that I forget I'm even running!)

Technology and "social" media are making us less social. If you look up while you're walking on the sidewalk, sitting in class, or riding the bus, you'll see that EVERY SINGLE PERSON has their nose in their phone, headphones in, and that no one is talking to each other. We get so caught up in other, distant peoples lives through various apps, that we forget there are real, physical people right there next to us. The world could use more communication- real communication, the kind that can't be fabricated through technology!"

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Page last modified February 1, 2021