RecWell Stories

Alexis Smith

Alexis Smith

"Throughout high school, I didn't find it difficult to stay active. I had sports after school continued to the gym after that because I simply had the time. In college, it became increasingly difficult to make the time. After finding programs like the group exercise classes, it allowed me to fit small time blocks into my schedule and hold me accountable to attend those classes.

After working with Campus Recreation, I've realized that there really is a program for everyone's skill level, interest and fitness goal. I participate in the programs because it holds me accountable when I plan out my weekly schedule to attend classes, or when I plan to attend them with friends. These programs make staying active a lot more fun than just finding the motivation to go to the gym.

Working with Campus Recreation has impacted my experience at GVSU by allowing me to become more well rounded professionally and socially within the university. I feel more confident in my professional skills and with my personal involvement in campus activities. I truly wish that I would have known more about Campus Recreation programs when I was a freshman because it has made all the difference in my college career."

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Page last modified June 21, 2019