RecWell Stories

Camille Curtis

Camille Curtis

"Getting proper sleep, eating right, and exercising are tough to commit to and require sacrifices. I've gotten into a daily routine of making time to cook meals, do yoga, and relax before bed to ensure I get a good nights sleep. I love being adventurous, hiking, water sports, and doing yoga as exercise!

Campus Rec is great at encouraging student and employee physical and mental health and overall wellness. This pushes me to want to do more and keep up my routine!

With the assistance and tools available to me, I have learned how important it is to get proper sleep, diet, and exercise. I've also realized how much better I feel when I do this!"



"I unplug on the weekends to be more present and enjoy my time off and spend it with friends, family, and to focus more on doing things that make me happy. After staring at a screen for 8 hours a day at work every day, this helps me feel rejuvenated for the upcoming week. "

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Page last modified March 14, 2019