Student Organization Recognition Board

The Student Organization Recognition Board is a board of staff and students who are charged with reviewing applications for new student organizations and other student organization administrative decisions. The board meets each month during the fall and winter semesters to review applications and make administrative decisions.


The purpose of the Student Organization Recognition Board (SORB) is to:

  1. Review student organization registration requests and determine classification status.
  2. Support the annual student organization recognition and awards process.


Student Organization Misconduct is reviewed and handled by the Dean of Students Office.

Attendance at meetings is required by board members. A quorum of four SORB members is required to conduct official business. SORB meetings are closed meetings unless approved by the chair in advance.

Board Membership

The Student Organization Recognition Board will consist of the following eight members:

  1. Assistant Director of Student Life (Chair)
  2. Student Senate President or designated Cabinet Member
  3. Two-four students appointed by the Assistant Director of Student Organizations
  4. Two professional staff representatives from the Division of Student Affairs
  5. One graduate assistant from the Office of Student Life appointed by the Assistant Director of Student Life
  6. One student staff assistant from the Office of Student Life (non-voting)

The Director or an Associate Director of Student Life will act as the SORB Chair if the Assistant Director of Student Life is unable due to absence or conflict of interest. 

SORB Meetings


Meeting 1 - September 4

Meeting 2 - October 9

Meeting 3 - November 6

Meeting 4 - January 8

Meeting 5 - February 5

Meeting 6 - March 12

Meeting 7 - April 2

Page last modified August 2, 2024