Sabbatical leaves are a focused time for scholarship or creative exploration in the faculty member's field and are to be of mutual benefit to the applicant and the university. Sabbatical leaves are intended primarily to encourage and promote the professional growth of faculty and to enhance their teaching and scholarly effectiveness; thus, the University makes every effort to provide the necessary resources for sabbatical leaves. Since sabbatical leaves are creative and scholarly endeavors for which there is salaried support, the faculty member in turn is required to demonstrate in the sabbatical proposal evidence of thoughtful planning and the potential for a successful sabbatical outcome.

Please Note:

If you plan to submit a sabbatical proposal, download the sabbatical template available under the Proposal Information tab.

If you have questions about sabbatical process, contact the Office of the Provost at (616) 331-2400.

If you have questions about sabbatical content, contact the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence at (616) 331-2281.

Page last modified August 26, 2024