Faculty/Staff Directory
Faculty/Staff Directory
- Management
- Strategy & Leadership Development
- Lean, Process Improvement, Supply Chain Management & Service Excellence
- Performance Measurement
Dr. Jaideep Motwani is Chairperson and Professor of Management at the Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University since 2000. He received his Ph.D. degree in Operations Management from University of North Texas. He has co-authored 15 books and published more than 150 articles in prestigious journals such as Operations Research, IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, European Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Production Research, Omega, Business Horizons, Journal of Operational Research Society, among others. Majority of Dr. Motwani''s publications are in the area of total quality management, lean manufacturing, strategic manufacturing, technology management and global competitiveness. In 2004, Dr. Motwani was ranked among the Top 1% Researcher in the field of Technology Management by the International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT). He also appears in several Who''s Who in the World publications annually and is the recipient of the Michigan Outstanding Educator''s Award granted by the Governor of Michigan.
- PH.D., Production/Operations Management, Management Science, University of North Texas. (1990).
- MBA, Finance, Sam Houston State University. (1986).
- BBA, Accounting, Bombay University. (1984)
- Strategy and Leadership Development
- Lean, Process Improvement, and Performance Measurement
- Supply Chain Management and Service Excellence
- Motwani, J., Ptacek, R., Fleming, R. (2012). Lean Sigma Methods and Tools for Service Organizations: The Story of a Cruise Line Transformation.
- Jayaram, J., Dixit, M., Motwani, J. (2014). Supply chain management capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach. International Journal of Production Economics. Volume 147, Part B, January 2014, Pages 472-485
- Petersen-Menefee, N., Mothersell, W., Motwani J. (2017). Knowledge driven lean in healthcare industry. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 12, No.1 pp. 120 - 135
- Community, Board Member, West Michigan Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals.
- Board Member, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.
- Community, Board Member, Ottawa Career-Line Tech Center Business Programs.