
Locker Lifestyle Scores Big!

April 05, 2018

Locker Lifestyle Scores Big!

Seidman’s Katarina Samardzija, majoring in entrepreneurship and finance, took away $31,500 in prize money at the sixth annual GreenLight Business Model Competition, an early-stage competition bringing together entrepreneurs and small business supporters from all over Michigan.  Twenty teams pitched their ideas to a panel of experienced judges at the most recent competition, hosted by Michigan State University on March 28.  Samardzija won first place and $6,000 for the undergraduate student category for her entry, “Locker LifestyleTM.” She also won $25,000 for the MSUFCU-sponsored overall second place position.

Locker LifestyleTM has three patent-pending products providing small storage to safely stash small valuables such as cash, keys, an ID, phone, pepper spray, golf tees and more.

Seidman’s Entrepreneur in Residence, Matt Larson, is thrilled to have someone like Katarina to teach and coach.

“I have had the opportunity to work with her through the Center for Entrepreneurship and as a student consultant within an entrepreneurship course I taught. One of the best aspects about her business and product is that she is solving a problem she had and making the product herself.”

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Page last modified April 5, 2018