Featured Alumni


Spencer Covey '05

My favorite GV memory is the Beta Alpha Psi pub crawls.

Matthew Stevens '16

One of my favorite memories at Grand Valley was competing in college athletics on the swim team and making so many memories with all my teammates. Being around 60 of your closest friends for four years was an amazing experience.

Megan Hanselman '18

My favorite memory of being a Grand Valley Student is being a Resident Assistant (RA) for two years. This is a very competitive opportunity that I was fortunate to be a part of for 2 years.

Manfred Tatzmann '70

Experiencing the wild late 60's Viet Nam era on campus. TJC, although I was not part of it. Being a co-founder of WGVSU radio with two other students. We had a studio in the basement of Seidman and ran it over the cable throughout campus.

Jamie Allen '14 & '15

Two notable memories are my first football game in the student section and the Seidman College of Business Accounting Recruiting event where I received significant exposure to professional networking.

Becky Seely '89

I remember one weekend, they went around to each room and forced us to go to the football game. I had the best time despite not wanting or planning to go!

Sarah Tibbe '16 & '19

I'm a bit of a nerd, so my favorite memories were always in the classrooms. Particularly in my capstone coursework where we would have great conversations and debate about big issues.

Christine Pompa '06

I enjoyed a lot of great memories at Grand Valley but really loved joining Greek Life at GVSU, meeting lifelong friends while also continuing to give back and get involved in the community.

Brandon Erhart '13 & '20

There are too many to count. Some of my favorite memories are of how the campus community came together. The GVSU Lip-Dub video, the "Wrecking Ball" era and the Snowpocalypse of 2011 are some of my favorites.

Lance Kibiloski '07

There were so many exciting moments being a new Freshman in college, and on top of that, the football was incredible on Saturday nights.

Page last modified July 2, 2024