Excellence in a Discipline | 2022-23

Emma Francis

Emma Francis

Excellence in a Discipline | International Business

What is your favorite Seidman memory?

My favorite Seidman memory actually stems from before I even attended Grand Valley when I toured GVSU for the first time as a high school senior, my father and I took a Pew Campus tour just to see what was around. In the Seidman lobby, a student stopped our tour and gave us an impromptu pep talk about the benefits of SBC and how much he appreciated his time at Grand Valley. I knew right away that I wanted to attend a business school where students went out of their way to talk about how much they enjoyed it!

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity,curiosity and futureminded. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?

Bill Seidman's legacy of curiosity is carried on by a phenomenal team of faculty and staff at Seidman. I was hesitant to venture into the professional business world as a freshman, but was soon persuaded by other business students at SBC to start applying to internships with confidence and an open mind. I applied for an internship that I thought I would never be considered for and then got it! It led to an amazing promotion and a permanent job position that I greatly enjoyed. Curiosity can bring you far!

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?

I want people in our Laker community to know that Seidman graduates are part of something bigger than a degree. Throughout my college experience, I have built such a strong rapport with peers, professors, and faculty from the Seidman College of Business that have helped me feel fully prepared to enter the business realm. We are truly a team that supports one another and strives for excellence. Lakers for a Lifetime stick together!

What is your career aspiration?

My career aspiration is to manage an international marketing team for a global company, preferably in the travel industry. My degree is in marketing and international business with a minor in Spanish, and I am currently finishing up a study abroad in Spain to hone my Spanish and my crosscultural business skills. It's my goal to apply this global marketing knowledge to manage and educate my team! I'd like to continue to improve my skills and education to one day look back on my career and be proud of the work I invested.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?

My time at Seidman has given me a huge appreciation for our community; Lakers for a Lifetime is more than just a saying! I wouldn't be where I am without the extensive support of the GVSU alumni and community. One way I'd love to help contribute back to the Laker family is to do what others have done for me, and help provide financial support to Seidman students. The scholarships I received through SCB made a fundamental difference in my education experience and were immeasurably valuable in my academic success. As I establish myself in the professional workforce, I'd like to return the favor to future Grand Valley business students and help support the Laker community for years to come by contributing to scholarship funding.

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Page last modified March 30, 2023