Excellence in a Discipline | 2021-22

Sydney Brzezinski

Sydney Brzezinski

Excellence in a Discipline | General Management

What is your favorite Seidman memory?

My favorite Seidman memory would have to be the feeling of taking my first upperclassmen courses and realizing how different they were. Taking classes that were in my specified major truly made me feel like I was here for a reason and that everything finally clicked. Passionate professors teaching the subjects they love brought a new level of enjoyment for education to my college experience.

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity, curiosity and future-minded. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?

I feel that throughout my time at Seidman I have built and developed traits such as curiosity and integrity through open discussions and current events. Having inclusive and communicative discussions at a higher level will prepare us for professional and civil conversations of difficult subjects in a manner that will help us build a stronger future. 

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?

2022 Seidman graduates have persevered in a confusing and chaotic environment. This has made us flexible, innovative, and resilient in the ways we would have never expected. Because of this, we are better prepared for the challenges that will greet us in our respective fields.

What is your career aspiration?

As a Management and Events Hospitality student I hope to work in a large convention center where I will be able to create a variety of experiences for the masses, or for a company that works to engage heavily with their employees through hospitality and service. I have found a passion for programming events that bring people together to create unique and memorable experiences.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?

I have found community and organizations through Seidman that have contributed to my experience in the fields I am passionate about. Because of the lessons taught through Seidman, I am better equipped to teach, create, and mobilize others in the future through my Laker Effect.

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Page last modified March 4, 2022