Excellence in a Discipline | 2023-24

Emily Butkowski

Emily Butkowski

Excellence in a Discipline | Marketing
Delta Sigma Pi Key Winner

What is your favorite Seidman memory?
My favorite memory at Seidman is all the amazing connections I have made here. I have made so many strong friendships through the clubs at Seidman and throughout my classes. I am extremely grateful for the relationships I have made with professors and advisors. Their endless support has carried me through my time in Seidman. I am extremely appreciative of all of the opportunities that Seidman offers.

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity, curiosity and future-minded. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?
The greatest trait that Seidman helped me develop is my leadership skills. I am a part of the executive board for Women in Business and the American Marketing Association. I would not trade the experience and development that I have received from these clubs for the world. I am the Vice President of Women in Business and there is nothing better than leading these amazing women to find their path of empowerment in the business world. The opportunity to be a part of these clubs is something that I will be forever grateful for. They have helped me develop my confidence and excitement to continue my journey in business.

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?
Seidman graduates like me are extremely appreciative of the community that supports us. We could not have completed this journey without their support and dedication to not only Seidman but GVSU as a whole. I hope to take what I have learned from Seidman and make a positive impact on the community that has given so much to us!

What is your career aspiration?
My biggest goal in my career is to be in a position where I can see the positive impact of my work on other individuals. I want to feel prideful in my career and be in a position to make an impact on those around me. I hope that every day I wake up, I am excited about my career, and I can see all the hard work that I have put in pay off. I want to take the leadership skills that I have learned from Seidman and lead others to be the most successful version of themselves. Lastly, but most importantly, I want to be in a career where I am pushed to continue learning. I want to continue to better myself every day.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?
Seidman has provided me with a well-rounded education including both academic and personal skills to prepare me for the business world. This education has allowed me to continue to contribute to my community as a Laker for a Lifetime throughout my personal and professional life. One of the most important lessons I have learned at Seidman is the importance of ethics and integrity. I will continue to spread this ideology into my community as I use these values to guide my actions and encourage others to promote the common good. Furthermore, I will take the leadership skills that I have learned here to influence others to continue to better themselves and strive for greatness, as any Laker would. Lastly, the networking opportunities at Seidman set me up for success beyond what I could achieve alone, and for that, I will forever make myself a resource to my community to help others achieve their goals.

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