Excellence in a Discipline | 2021-22

Mackenzie Broekstra

Mackenzie Broekstra

Excellence in a Discipline | International Business

What is your favorite Seidman memory?

It is hard to pinpoint my favorite Seidman memory. I would have to say the relationships formed with my professors are something I will cherish forever. 

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity, curiosity and future-minded. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?

I believe I am a curious and future-minded individual. Throughout my time at Grand Valley, I found it difficult to choose a major, not because I didn’t want to study a specific topic but instead I wanted to study them all. I believe by choosing Seidman College I have only opened doors for myself moving forward into the future. 

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?

Seidman graduates like me are lifelong learners. We are constantly striving to be a better version of ourselves and graduating does not change that. 

What is your career aspiration?

I aspire to work for an international company, applying the skills I’ve learned at Seidman as well as in my personal life, to connect cultures around the world.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?

My time at Seidman has made me passionate about learning. Whether that is in a classroom, in a company, or in my personal life, I always try to get the most out of a situation. I hope I am able to give back to the GV community one day and get other students excited about learning. 

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Page last modified March 15, 2022