Excellence in a Discipline | 2022-23

Lydia Hanes

Lydia Hanes

Excellence in a Discipline | Master of Science in Accounting

What is your favorite Seidman memory?

Acting as Beta Alpha Psi’s (BAP) Kappa Beta chapter Treasurer and Reporter. Additionally, having the opportunity to attend the BAP national conference in Orlando, Florida with the fellow BAP executive board members and faculty advisors.

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity, curiosity and future-minded. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?

Every single professor I have had the privilege to know has ensured they not only explicitly teach these traits, but also exemplify them both in their careers and personal lives. The quality of education I have received at Seidman is due to the dedication given by each and every instructor. They have challenged me to accomplish not only goals I set for myself, but also encouraged me to pursue success beyond what I thought I was capable of (turning “mere dreams” into a realistic future goal). 

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?

We are well-prepared and ready to make an impact in the business world. We may come with many questions, but we know how to ask the right questions and overcome great obstacles to achieve our dreams.

What is your career aspiration?

In addition to completing my Master’s of Science in Accounting, I hope to pass the final 2 sections of the CPA exam (having already passed 2 sections) before I begin as a tax associate at BDO USA, LLP in Grand Rapids (I have signed an offer letter to begin on July 6, 2023). I hope to gain extensive knowledge and experience at BDO, while offering value to our clients and impacting the lives of people around me.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?

There are too many ways to list, but I will name a few:

  1. Endless study has helped me build perseverance to push beyond limits in order to solve real world problems in the community.
  2. Participation in student organizations allowed me to build connections within the community that have/will prove mutually beneficial.
  3. Group projects helped me develop a collaborative mindset necessary to succeed in any type of workforce.
  4. Learning from professors’ experiences will allow me to enter the workforce “with more [second-hand] experience.”
  5. Seidman College (overall) has prepared me for the CPA examination process and has ensured I am the most prepared professional to (hopefully) join the CPA community.

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Page last modified March 23, 2023