Excellence in a Discipline | 2021-22

Madison Blanchett

Madison Blanchett

Excellence in a Discipline | Marketing

What is your favorite Seidman memory?

My favorite memory at Seidman would be spending time in the Seidman Forum room during all the American Marketing Association (AMA) meetings. Throughout my years at GVSU, AMA has held great networking and career advancement opportunities that I will never forget. I have met a lot of great people and learned a lot of great marketing techniques.

Our building namesake – Bill Seidman – exhibited many desirable traits of a leader such as innovator, integrity, curiosity and future-mindedness. How did your experience at Seidman help you develop one or more of these traits?

Being a business student, within the Seidman College of Business, has increased my desire to be more curious. When I entered the business college, I was always curious about what classes I will be taking, the business student organizations within Seidman and how I can make these years the best years of my life. As I am closing this chapter in my life, I have become more curious about life outside of college. Being curious about life after college has made me more observant of new ideas and increases my anticipation for the future.

What would you like people in the community to know about Seidman graduates like you?

I would like people in the community to know that Seidman graduates always put forward a set of values that create a foundation to build upon; such as, honesty, hard work, responsibility, fairness, generosity and respect for others. I believe that if you live your life based on these core values then you will have success in whichever avenue you decide to travel.

What is your career aspiration?

When I think about my career aspirations, I think about “hope” and what I “hope” to achieve throughout my career. One of my main career aspirations that I “hope” to achieve is to become the type of leader that my peers look up to and know they can turn to for advice and/or leadership. I “hope” to make a lasting impact in my field and throughout my career.

How did your time at Seidman College prepare you to contribute to your community as a Laker for a Lifetime?

The preparation I received during my time at Seidman College has set the foundation of my roots towards becoming a Laker for a Lifetime. My passion to make a difference in my community is a direct result of the values and leadership skills that I have developed at Seidman College. These traits are ingrained in me as I advance to the next chapter in my life. I will utilize them to the best of my ability as a Laker for a Lifetime while being a positive influence within my community.

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Page last modified March 7, 2022