Seidman Pre-Core Curriculum: ACC 212

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Any entity that engages in business activities, including firms, for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. They:

  • Operate with strategies
  • Abide by Established Rules
  • Keep track & report results/standings.

How do you "Keep Score" for an Enterprise?

We can think of enterprises in the same way we think about sports teams.

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING is a specialized area within Accounting, focusing on the capture, storage, and reporting of business activities in the form of financial statements.

Accounting is the "Language of Business"

More precisely, accounting is a system of maintaining records of a company’s operations and communicating that information to decision-makers.

Contact for more Information

Jennifer Kern

Affiliate Faculty of Instruction, School of Accounting
[email protected]

Page last modified November 1, 2024