Ambassador Spotlights
Ieisha Humphrey '05
My favorite Grand Valley memory is the Community Working Classics program within the Philosophy department. I had the honor of designing and teaching a humanities course to students who would not otherwise been exposed to the subject.
Khadijah Johnson '13
As a student employee working for Financial Aid.
Danielle Harris '11
I have so many amazing memories from my time at Grand Valley. I was a resident assistant for several years, and I always loved throwing Halloween parties. But mostly, I cherish the memories I have hanging out with friends at Fresh Foods eating Laker Bowls
Jamie Allen '14 & '15
Two notable memories are my first football game in the student section and the Seidman College of Business Accounting Recruiting event where I received significant exposure to professional networking.
Katie Dehn '06
My favorite experience was working on the GVSU Summer Film Project: The Gospel According to Roy. It was a unique experience that was just like working on a professional set with professional actors and crew.