Publications & Presentations


Bambini, D., Washburn, J., & Perkins, R. (2009). Outcomes of clinical simulation for novice nursing students: Communication, confidence, clinical judgment. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(2), 79-82.

Branch, K. C. (2022). A qualitative case study of health-related baccalaureate and graduate web-based simulated clinical learning platforms. ScholarWorks.

Branch, K. C., Ayers, D. J., & Baker, S. K. (2023). Standardized Technical Communicators: A Novel Simulation Center Staffing Model. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Simulation Spotlight, 2(1), 3-8.

Higbea, R. J., Elder, J., Vandermolen, J., Cleghorn, S. M., Brew, R., & Branch, K. (2019). Interprofessional service-learning definition. Journal of Interprofessional Care34(2), 283–286. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1650729

Klerk, K. C., Branch, K. C., & Sterling, J. (2024). Designing a Control Room to Support Manikin-Based, Standardized Patient, and Mixed Methods Simulations. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Simulation Spotlight, 3(3), 10-18.

Quick, C., Fannon, S., Manderscheid, A., & Buchele, E. (2024). Improving the faculty and nursing student learning experience in simulation with faculty simulation teams. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 89, 1-9.

Quick, C. R., Fannon, S. L., Reinhold, M. I., Christensen, P. J., Paulson, M. J., Hooper, B. L., Metz, A. M., & Mendez, M. P. (2023). Cross college collaboration to implement an interdisciplinary simulation for healthcare students to deliver difficult news: A Short Report. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 1-4.

Scanlon, S., Beasley, J., Booth, A., De Voest, M., Elenbaas, J. J., French, D. L., Shoemaker, M., Terry, G. J. (2016). Post-Concussion interprofessional education simulation. Simulation in Healthcare Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 11(6), 449.

Shoemaker, M. J., Beasley, J., Cooper, M., Perkins, R., Smith, J., & Swank, C.  (2011).  A method for providing high-volume interprofessional simulation encounters in physical and occupational therapy education programs. Journal of Allied Health, 40(1), 15-21.


Bambini, D. (2015, June).  Using Dropbox for real-time lab/diagnostic test results during simulation. [Presented hands-on session 1-E]. HomeGrown Simulation Solutions, International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation, Atlanta, GA.

Bambini, D., Bartman, C., & Harrington, S. (2018, June). Using SPs in a progressive transitions of care simulation. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Kansas City, MO.

Bambini, D., Branch, K., Bulson, J., Cramer, T., Reinink, M., & Tompkins, J. (2020, January).  Partner with community agencies: Unfolding active assailant simulation. [Conference presentation]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH).  San Diego, CA.

Bambini, D. R., Emery, M., de Voest, M., Barnikow, T., & Meny, L. (2015, January). Beyond the theory – Practical aspects of designing and implementing an IPE simulation involving 180 students and three university systems. [Presented]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA.

Bambini, D., & Harrington, S. (2014, October). Using simulation with standard patients to teach transitional care – Development and implementation. [Presented]. Technology Conference, National League for Nursing, Nashville, TN.

Bambini, D. R., Meyer, M., Bell, A., Andrighetti, T., Aronson, B., & Shepherd, K. (2014, October). The effects of a deliberate practice debriefing model during a response to rescue high fidelity patient simulation. [Presented]. Technology Conference, National League for Nursing and Elsevier, Nashville, TN.

Bartman, C. (2018, June). Developing strategic university partnerships to promote diversity within the SP Pool. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Kansas City, MO.

Bartman, C. (2013, March). Using standard patients in IPE simulations. [Lunch & Learn presentation]. Michigan Interprofessional Practice & Education Initiative, Grand Rapids, MI.

Bartman, C. (2014, June). Social work just called; they want to schedule an SP event! Tips to extending your SP program into new disciplines. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Indianapolis, IN.

Bartman, C., Harro, C., & Shoemaker, M. (2018, June). Using SPs to teach coma assessment to PT students. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Kansas City, MO.

Bartman, C., Shoemaker, M., Harro, C., Perkins, R., & French, D. (2014, June). Modified tracheotomy tube allows for suctioning of standardized patients. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Indianapolis, IN.

Bartman, C., & Spalding, M. (2013, June). Create an SP calendar in Google docs. [Snapshot presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Atlanta, GA.

Branch, K. (2023, June 2). Innovative simulation methodologies in nursing education. [Radio broadcast]. The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K. (2023, March 15). Be bold! Innovations in nursing practice and education. [Conference presentation]. Sigma Kappa Epsilon Spring Research Event, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K. (2021, September 29). The use of simulation methodologies in the education of health-related students in higher education. [Radio broadcast]. The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin. Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K. (2020, September). Simulation in healthcare education post COVID-19. [Conference presentation]. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center Preconference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K., & Bartman, C. (2019, September). Standardized patients make it real! Increasing the fidelity of simulation by incorporating standardized patients[Podium presentation]. Spectrum Health Simulation Conference: Discover the Possibilities, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K., Eckert, R., Ford, P., Hums, J., Pitts, R., & Scalley. T., (2022, April 27). Immersive technology in training healthcare and emergency responders. [Conference presentation]. American Technical Education Association National Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Branch, K., & Ludwig, D. (2017, March). Examination of an interprofessional service-learning health expo: Healthcare students and health expo attendees. [Podium presentation]. National Academies of Practices Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Branch, K, & Rapson, W. (2022, November 2). Lessons learned building a new simulation center: From vision to reality. [Conference presentation]. Association of Physical Plant Administrators Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K, & Rapson, W. (2022, October 25). Lessons learned building a new simulation center: From vision to reality. [Conference presentation]. Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Ford, P., Rizer, T., Starcevic, C., Collver, M., & Branch, K. (2024, January). Utilizing Immersive Technology to Create an Alternative Operating Room Experience for Undergraduate Nursing Students. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA.

Muma, K. (2015, June). Creating reservoirs in manikins for NG and J-tube medication administration. [Presented hands-on session 1-E]. HomeGrown Simulation Solutions,  International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation, Atlanta, GA.

Nandamudi, S., Ayers, D. J., & Klerk, K. C. (2021, November 18-20). A Pilot Study on Dysphagia Interprofessional Student-Directed Remote Simulations in Speech-Language Pathology [Conference presentation]. 2021 ASHA Convention, Washington, D.C.

Nandamudi, S., Ayers, D. J., & Klerk, K. C. (2022, November 17-19). Integrated High-Fidelity and Student Directed Remote Simulations in Dysphagia Intervention on Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence [Conference presentation]. 2022 ASHA Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Nandamudi, S., Ayers, D. J., Klerk, K. C., & Naymick VanDyken, L. (2023, November 16-18). Impact of Hybrid Simulations in Dysphagia Graduate Clinical Education [Conference presentation]. 2023 ASHA Convention, Boston, MA.

Poster Presentations

Bartman, C. (2013, June). Partnering with the media to promote standard patient methodology. [Poster session presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators, Atlanta, GA.

Branch, K., (2023, January 29). A qualitative case study of health-related baccalaureate and graduate web-based simulated clinical learning platforms. [Conference poster presentation]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). Orlando, FL.

Branch, K., Naymick, L., Worthem, S., & Zeitler, D. (2018, April). Interprofessional simulation design rubric. [Poster session presentation]. National Academies of Practice (NAP) Forum, Atlanta, GA.

Klerk, K., Ayers, D., Branch, K., Naymick, L., Booth, A., Shoemaker, M., de Voest, P., Fox, M., Terry, G., (2021, September). The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Virtual Interprofessional Simulation Escape Room. Virtual poster session presented at the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.

Scanlon S. (2017, January). Post-Concussion interprofessional education simulation. [Poster session presentation]. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL

Teitsma, N., Craft-Otterbacher, E., Carlson, N., Bambini, D., French, D., Perkins, R., & Muma, K. (2014, June). SNA breakthrough to nursing novel approach: Using simulation to engage HS students in the profession of nursing. [Poster session presentation]. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation, Orlando, FL.

Washburn, J., Forslund, C., Bartman, C., & Perkins, R. (2015, May). Hidden in plain sight: A human trafficking clinical simulation. [Poster session presentation]. Health & Human Trafficking Conference sponsored by the Bastion Center for Study of Human Trafficking, Indiana Wesleyan University, Toledo, OH.

West, A. (2013, March). Equipment checkout and inventory system. [Poster session presentation]. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Clearwater Beach, FL.

DCIH fifth floor observation deck.
Students sitting on the fifth floor DCIH observation deck.
DCIH exterior

Page last modified December 9, 2024