About Us

The Social Science Lab (SSL) is a place for students and faculty to engage in social science research. The SSL is equipped with four dual-monitor computer stations with quantitative and qualitative data analysis software. Students may reserve time to use the lab for research or coursework. Students may also make an appointment with a faculty/student research fellow for assistance with independent research or class assignments.

GVSU Social Science Lab Logo

Mission, Vision, Values


The Social Science Lab engages GVSU students in social science research by working with campus and community partners in West Michigan and beyond.


To provide social science students with opportunities to apply and extend their data skills in their current and future communities.


  1. Student-centered: We work with individual students to assess their needs and goals and offer multiple pathways to participate, such as assistantships, independent study, and course work.
  2. Collaborative: We foster an environment in which students can work collectively with their peers, faculty mentors, and community partners.
  3. Diverse-integrative: We incorporate multiple perspectives from natural as well as social science by offering work with faculty mentors who have diverse areas of expertise to students across many majors on Grand Valley’s campus.

Page last modified September 2, 2021