Making an Appointment

Making an Appointment with your CLAS Academic Advising Center

Students are able to make an appointment by stopping into our Center, located in C-1-140 Mackinac Hall, or by calling us at 616-331-8585, or set up appointments online.

Making an Appointment with your Faculty Advisor

Once you know who has been assigned as your faculty advisor, there are a few ways to schedule an appointment. You may call your faculty member's office to schedule an appointment, send an email, or stop in during walk-in hours. If you are not certain of when your faculty advisor holds walk-in hours, contact the major department and they will be able to provide you with that information.





  • Completed Biostatistics Requirements (37 credits): 
  • Completed PSM Core Courses (12 credits):  
  • Completed the Biostatistics Directed Courses (19 credits)
  • Completed PSM Seminar Course - PSM 662 (2 credits) 
  • Completed PSM Internship (at least 4 credits) 
  • Is the GPA in the major 3.00 or greater: 

MASTERS in Data Science and Analytics

MASTERS in Data Science and Analytics



  • Completed Requirements (36 credits): 
  • Completed the STA Courses (12 credits) 
  • Completed the CIS Courses (12 credits)
  • Completed PSM Courses (5 credits): 
  • Completed PSM Internship (at least 4 credits) 
  • Completed Elective (3 credits)
  • Is the GPA in the major 3.00 or greater: 

Page last modified August 29, 2024