Student Affairs Newsletter Content Submission

Below are some guidelines for submissions to each newsletter for your reference.

Laker Weekly Newsletter

- Please ensure the message is relevant and applies to all enrolled students.

- You can write either a short summary (no more than 50 words) or bullet points with helpful links to websites of important resources or events for students. This can be used to market/promote events/activities/resources for students. Laker Weekly editorial team will reference this information, and at their discretion, will edit and wordsmith as needed to ensure use of a student-facing voice, and keep information and the newsletter length concise, while maintaining the essential information in the message.

-Write submissions as if you are talking to students and describe the importance of your event/activity/resource.

-Include photo(s) and/or graphics (please upload these as separate files). Please keep accessibility in mind and limit the amount of text included in a graphic when possible.

The audience is all enrolled GV students, Student Affairs staff, Senior Leadership, and campus partners.

Laker Family Network Parent/Supporter Newsletter

-You can write either a short summary (no more than 50 words) or bullet points with helpful links to websites of important resources and information for students and supporters. The Student Affairs editorial team will reference this information, and at their discretion, will edit and wordsmith as needed to ensure use of a supporter-facing voice, and keep information and the newsletter length concise, while maintaining the essential information in the message.

-Write submissions as if you are talking to parents or supporters and describe the importance of your event/activity/resource in relation to their student.

-Include photo(s) and/or graphics (please upload these as separate image files). Please keep accessibility in mind and limit the amount of text included in a graphic when possible.

The audience is parents/supporters of currently enrolled GV students, Student Affairs staff, Academic Deans, and Senior Leadership

* denotes a required field

Contact Information

Submission Details

Are students required to sign up/RSVP for the event in advance? *

Do you have information on your event/campus resource already written up? *

Newsletter Details

What newsletter(s) would you like to submit content for? *

Human Verification *

Page last modified November 5, 2024