Student Affairs Mass Communication Request Process
The Division of Student Affairs Marketing team, alongside University Communications, supports the DSA in identifying the best communication channel for mass messaging, while minimizing email as the main channel of communication to students and faculty/staff. The following newsletters will meet most communication needs, and additional channels (e.g. social media, Laker Hub, campus posting) are also encouraged.
- Laker Weekly (audience is students- coordinated by the DSA Marketing team)
- Lakers Ready (audience is Academic Affairs faculty and staff - coordinated by the Provost's office)
- GV Forum (audience is the entire GV Community - coordinated by University Communications)
MASS COMMUNICATION REQUEST GUIDELINES: (emails to all enrolled students and/or faculty and staff)
If the communication channels listed above, do not meet the your needs, the DSA Marketing Team will support you through the creation and execution of a mass email built in EMMA pending an approval process.
- Divisional AVP's will submit all requests on behalf of their teams. Please consult with your AVP on the message you'd like to send. In the case that the AVP supports the message as a mass email, the AVP will then submit the request via email to Megan Wierenga, Director of Student Affairs Marketing (
- Student communication must be of interest or applicable to the majority of our student population.
- When possible, AVP's are to submit all requests at least 2 weeks prior to the target send date. All requests will be reviewed by the Director of Student Affairs Marketing, the Vice President and Chief Public Affairs and Communications Officer, and/or HR for relevance to the university’s mission, content, and readability.
- Please provide the target date for the communication. Target dates may need to be modified based on availability and other scheduled communications.
- Regulatory and/or state-mandated emails will be considered for blanket approval and be added to an "approved" list for future years. AVP's will notify the Director of Student Affairs Marketing that it is a regulatory email when submitting the request for this type of communication. In the case that the email content is on the approved list, the Director of Student Affairs Marketing will still need to help to identify the best target send date based on any other scheduled University email communications, as well as build and send the email on behalf of the department.
- All mass emails will be built in EMMA and sent on the sender's behalf by Student Affairs Marketing. If after review, an email is the best channel for your message, please work with Megan Wierenga, Director of Student Affairs Marketing, ( who will create and send the email in EMMA on the sender's behalf.
- Should you have a need to send a message to a segmented population. (ie. students with GPA's of 3.0 +), this is NOT considered a mass email, and you may submit your data request directly through the Registrar's Office. If you need assistance in creating and sending these types of emails, please reach out to Megan Wierenga (