Pay Periods and Pay Dates
Below you will find the pay period charts that will provide you with the date a student will be paid based on the date they began clocking hours. Unlike Banner, Workday does not require you to start a student hire at the beginning of a pay period or end their hire at the end of a pay period. When hiring a student in Workday, you will select whichever date the student begins (or will begin) clocking hours as their start date and whatever date the student stops working (or will stop working) as their end date.
If you are hiring a student and would like them to continue working with you through the remainder of their time at GVSU, you can enter their anticipated graduation date as their end date. If at any point a student stops working earlier than anticipated, you can adjust the end date as needed. A help article has been created to walk you through this process.
Summer 2023 - Winter 2024

Summer 2024 - Winter 2025

Summer 2025 - Winter 2026

The pay period chart below will help you identify the start date, end date, and pay date for each pay period.
Download the Summer 2023 - Winter 2024 Pay Chart

For more information regarding Pay Periods and Pay Dates, please visit the Payroll website.
If you have any additional questions regarding when your students will be paid and which dates are best to hire them, feel free to reach out to our office via email or give us a call. We are happy to help.
Phone: 616-331-3238