SE+ Supervisor Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
For all new SE+ positions, we require that students are both recruited and onboarded via Handshake. Handshake was implemented at GVSU because it provides students with an equitable platform to search for on and off campus employment opportunities.
Equal Opportunity (Student Employment): All on-campus departments can post positions for Grand Valley students (undergraduates and graduates) within Student Employment's Handshake system. Departments are strongly encouraged to post their positions through Handshake. According to the policies set forth by the Grand Valley Board of Trustees, all personnel are responsible for "the enthusiastic application of all laws and regulations concerning fair employment practices, equal opportunity, etc., to all matters with respect to recruitment, appointment, assignment, and promotion of university's personnel. Matters of affirmative action are outlined in the "Affirmative Action Program" maintained in the affirmative action office." You can view additional policies approved by the University's Board of Trustees and President's Cabinet at .
In order to be in compliance with the Grand Valley policy and Federal law, all students must receive fair employment practices and opportunity in regards to recruitment, appointment, and assignment which can occur if all open positions for student employees are posted through Handshake.
A video guide for both making an account and posting a job is available below this FAQ section.
The amount of time required for an SE+ student varies for each department. The initial time commitment consists of hiring the student(s) and identifying assignments. Once a student is selected, training of the student is needed. Some departments need more time to train or orient a student than others. Once the student is trained, the time commitment tends to decrease. The remaining time commitment will consist of regular meetings between the supervisor and the student.
- Provide substantive and challenging work experience for students with a minimum of “gopher work.”
- Orient students regarding culture, procedures, policies, and specific job duties.
- Provide on-going, structured supervision by a primary supervisor (weekly preferred); opportunities for feedback; adequate opportunities for students to ask questions; possible mentoring relationship.
- Allow student to connect with professionals (participate in meetings, attend presentations, and talk with professionals in the department about their jobs and career paths)
- Identify and develop specific skills (i.e. research, writing, computer, presentation skills).
- Provide evaluation of overall experience; provide closure through recognition of contributions, reflection on learning experiences, wrap-up on-going projects; provide follow-up if necessary (letters of recommendation, networking, etc.)
- Offer professional development opportunities (utilize campus resources to expand intercultural competencies, career development, watch webinars, attend networking events, etc);
Great! If SE+ experiences already exist in your department, contact the Student Employment Office at for more information. They’ll make sure the posting is represented in Handshake correctly and can also walk you through how to hire a specific student through the Report a Hire Form.
We recommend you establish formal learning objectives with your student.
Credit requirements for experiences vary by academic program. It is the responsibility of the student to speak with their faculty internship coordinator ensure academic requirements are being met.
There is not a minimum amount of hours an SE+ student employee needs to work per week or per month. However, there is a maximum: during the academic year, students are able to work 25 hours/week, and international students are able to work 20 hours/week. In the spring/summer semester, all students are able to work 40 hours/week.
No. There is no minimum wage set for SE+ positions. It is up to the discretion of the supervisor and the department to set a wage for the student that reflects the work they will be completing.
The department will pay 100% of the student wages for traditional students.
The department will pay 25% of the student wages for students awarded Federal Work-Study.
Please contact the Student Employment office at if additional information or support is needed.
No. These records can be kept within the department the student is employed in and do not need to be submitted to the Student Employment Office.
Creating an Account & Posting a Job in Handshake
Questions/concerns? We'd love to talk. Call (616) 331-3238 or email