Involvement Spotlights
Samuel Jacobs
May 06, 2020
Samuel Jacobs is a sophomore majoring in public administration with a
minor in political science. He currently serves on the Campus Affairs
committee of Student Senate and has helped promote civic engagement
and gain more funding from the State of Michigan during his time
serving in the Senate.
Samuel first heard about Student Senate during orientation and
ran for a position at the end of his first year. When asked about his
time serving, he says, “My involvement has given me perspective on
other issues on and around our campus and helped me see how I can make
a difference at GV and in my own life.” He has spent much of his time
helping fellow Lakers participate in civic engagement and education
through voter registration.
Samuel has spent his time at GVSU working to better the
community, and you can too! Whether you’re interested in running for
Student Senate or becoming involved on campus in another way, GVSU
offers plenty of student organizations that you can check out on Laker Link!