Colleges Against Cancer: Leading the Fight for a Cure
The Student Organization Spotlight series showcases passionate and involved students who make waves with their #LakerEffect. This edition’s Spotlight features the student organization Colleges Against Cancer’s president, Paige MacKinnon.
Read more about Colleges Against Cancer!
March 20, 2018

Host a Blood Drive and Save Lives
Did you know that for every pint of blood donated, THREE lives can be saved? Give back to the community in a NEW way next school year! Consider hosting a blood drive with the Community Service Learning Center!
Here's how you can host a blood drive!
March 13, 2018

Student Senate: Fast Facts
With Student Senate elections just around the corner, you may be asking yourself: “What does Student Senate do? How can I better my campus community?” or maybe even “Can Louie the Laker run for President?” We're here to help you find out!
Read more about Student Senate!
February 27, 2018
Investigating the CJSA
In the second week of Student Organization Showcase, we investigated (pun definitely intended) the Criminal Justice Student Association. These students come from all different disciplines, but they all have one thing in common: a love for the study of Criminal Justice.
Learn more about Criminal Justice Student Association!
November 14, 2017
Get Into the GrooVe!
In our first Student Organization Showcase, we chose to shine a bright light on GrooVe! They have been around since 2009, making them one of the longer standing organizations at GVSU. They perform on campus, in Grand Rapids, and all over Michigan, singing and jamming their way around the state. Their goal is to always do their best, but at their core, they describe themselves as a group focused on doing what they love: making music.
November 7, 2017
Bored? Start a Student Org!
Student organizations can be a great way to help your community, network with others in your academic or professional area, get more involved with a hobby or other interest of yours, or even just as a way to make friends on campus. If you’re interested in starting a student organization, here’s how!
Learn more about Student Organizations!
October 10, 2017
5 Reasons to Go Greek
With recruitment happening next week, we’d like to give a shout-out to our Vice President of Recruitment, Jordan Sheatzley. She’s giving us her Top 5 Reasons to Go Greek and encourages you to sign up for Panhellenic Recruitment before Friday, September 15!
September 12, 2017