The MHA program prepares students with broad and deep knowledge of the
healthcare system and healthcare management, with greatest emphasis on
the portions of the healthcare system most closely aligned with the MHA
program focus - nonprofit healthcare, public healthcare and continuing
care systems.
Outcome MHA SLO 2 MHA SLO 2: Communication
Students exhibit clear, concise, effective professional written, oral
and presentation communication skills. Students exhibit abilities to
work effectively on group projects and to maintain positive working
relationships, including evidence of facilitation and negotiation skills.
Outcome MHA SLO 3 MHA SLO 3: Critical Thinking
Students will demonstrate advanced levels of critical thinking in
written products prepared throughout the program, culminating in the
final research paper or presentation. Students will demonstrate advanced
skills in analysis and problem solving in their written assignments and
classroom contributions in core courses.
Outcome MHA SLO 4 MHA SLO 4: Professionalism
Students aligns personal and organizational conduct with ethical and
professional standards. Students practice and advocate ethical decision
making and actions and promote patient’s rights and responsibilities.
Students also proactively plan their career and identify goals for
further professional development, creating opportunities to provide
service, promote social justice, improve community health status,
standards of care, and the body of knowledge.
Outcome MHA SLO 5 MHA SLO 5: Leadership
Student demonstrates an ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate a
complex environment, and to prepare a plan of action for organizational
improvement that will engage both internal and external stakeholders; a
knowledge and appreciation of the roles, responsibilities and values of
constituencies within the healthcare system; and exhibits the core
skills required to build a positive, vibrant organizational culture; an
awareness of the current policies and trends that challenge the
healthcare system, and can articulate effective strategies for change
and adaptation .