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Studio Art, BA/BS/BFA - Jewelry/Metalsmithing Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome JEM:A Personal Expression

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to develop a personal statement and expression using metalsmithing techniques.
Objective 1 Students in ART 347 Intermediate Jewelry and Metalsmithing II will demonstrate the ability to conceptualize and formulate designs and concepts utilizing jewelry and metalsmithing techniques.

Measure 1

2018 Status
ART 347 Intermediate Jewelry and Metalsmithing II students were assessed at near midterm and 8% scored at the "Satisfies" and 82% scored at "Progressing" while 0% scored at "Baseline. These findings affirm that the students are at the appropriate skill level for this time period within the semester in demonstrating the ability to conceptualize and formulate designs and concepts utilizing jewelry and metalsmithing techniques.

Outcome JEM:B Critical Thinking

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to use systematic reasoning to examine and evaluate information and ideas and then synthesize their conclusions to propose new perspectives and solutions.
Objective 1 Students in ART 245 Introduction to Jewelry & Metalsmithing will engage in critique in terms of aesthetic organization and technical execution as it relates to the interests and values of society, symbolized or explicitly expressed.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
84% of students achieved Progressing and/or Satisfies levels so the threshold was exceeded in this class. However, the target of 90% of students achieving this level was not met. One more student reaching progressing will satisfy the target.

Outcome JEM:C Problem Solving

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to design and evaluate strategies to answer open-ended questions.
Objective 1 Students in ART 345 Relevant Skills for the Jeweler will be able to apply the techniques of the trade to specific jewelry or metal pieces needing to be created or repaired.

Outcome JEM:D Written Communication

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to write effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.
Objective 1 Students in ART 346 Intermediate Jewelry & Metalsmithing I will be able to write an artist statement that elucidates the significance of the history of art/metalsmithing, as well as how the work was conceptualized and designed.

Outcome JEM:E Integration

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations.
Objective 1 Students in ART 245 Introduction to Jewelry & Metalsmithing will demonstrate a working knowledge of materials, techniques, and styles used in metalsmithing from an historical and contemporary viewpoint.

Outcome JEM:F Oral Communication

Graduates of Studio Art with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing will be able to effectively communicate verbally with a public audience across a variety of contexts.
Objective 1 Students in ART 498 Senior Projects will be able to discuss their highly developed body of work in an articulate and comprehensive manner, covering the thematic concept, their importance to the artist, others, and to contemporary culture.