Studio Art, BA/BS/BFA
Student Outcomes
Assessment of Student Outcomes
Outcome STUDIO: B Compositional Analysis
Graduates of Studio Art will be able to effectively describe and analyze
the use of elements and principles within works of art and design.
Objective 1
Students in ART 150 2-D Design will demonstrate an understanding of
design terms and principles, and effectively analyze the artists' use of
design principles.
Measure 1
2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The 2-D Design class was assessed and it was determined that although
the majority of the class was reviewed as being above average in they're
understanding of design principles on written and visual evaluations,
that the understanding of the students about 2-D Design could be
improved. Improvements will be implemented to the course to improve the
students understanding of design.
2017 Status
By applying their knowledge of design principles and visual elements
that were presented in the course, 25 students analyzed a painting of
their choice from a given list of artists. Students were encouraged to
choose a painting that they felt demonstrated an effective use of the
compositional principles discussed in class. The project was listed on
the syllabus, and was presented near the end of the semester. A rubric
was used to assess their understanding and knowledge of design
principles and was discussed with the students when the assignment was
presented. The instructor analyzed several paintings as examples while
prompting student participation.
Outcome STUDIO: C Problem Solving
Graduates of Studio Art will be able to design and evaluate strategies
to answer open-ended questions.
Objective 1
Students in ART 151 3-D Design will examine a range of formal issues and
design concepts to conceptualize and create projects that pertain to
building form and shaping space.
Measure 1
2019 Status
During the fall of 2019, students were evaluated on formal issues and
design concepts that pertained to building form and shaping space on a
written evaluation at the end of the semester. There were 14 students
evaluated in relationship to the Problem Solving rubric on GV Assess.
50% of the students achieved Progressing, while 45% achieved Satisfies.
Outcome STUDIO: E Critical Thinking
Graduates of Studio Art will use systematic reasoning to examine and
evaluate information and ideas and then synthesize conclusions to
propose new perspectives and solutions.
Objective 1
Students in ART 153 Making and Meaning will be able to incorporate a
multi-part workflow pattern with discrete checkpoints, beginning with
the inventive and imaginative components of studio work, and developing
and concluding with the critical, managerial, and editorial components
of the creative process.
Outcome STUDIO: F Problem Solving
Graduates of Studio Art will be able to design and evaluate strategies
to answer open-ended questions and demonstrate solutions through their
studio art work.
Objective 1
Students in ART 155 Introduction to Drawing I will be able to
demonstrate a sensitive and descriptive use of line and value in
creating the illusion of three-dimensional forms in space on a picture plane.
Outcome STUDIO: G Integration
Graduates of Studio Art will be able to synthesize and apply knowledge,
experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations as
they relate art and design.
Objective 1
Students in ART 157 Introduction to Drawing II will be able to
demonstrate knowledge and variety of composition as a fundamentally
important aspect to all areas of visual art.
Measure 1
2021 Status
80% of the students achieved the level of Progressing and Satisfies for
Objective 1: '..demonstrate knowledge and variety of composition as a
fundamentally important aspect to all areas of visual art.' 80% of the
students also achieved the Progressing and Satisfies status for Outcome
Studio G: Integration.
Outcome STUDIO: H Ethical Reasoning
Graduates of Studio Art will be able to use a decision-making process
based on defining systems of value.
Objective 1
Students in ART 153 Making and Meaning will be able to perform objective
and effective assessments of studio products in critique in manners that
are humane and considerate.