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Business, EMBA

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome A Effective Business Communication

Objective 1 Students will develop clear, concise and well-organized written communications.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

2016 Status
Mean scores on 3/5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

Objective 2 Students will develop and deliver effective presentations.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

2016 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

Outcome B Business Acumen and Strategic Decision Making

Objective 1 Students will demonstrate proficiency in core business knowledge/concepts.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Total scores for the Major Field Tests are reported on a scale of 220-300. The Average score of the EMBA students that took the test was 256.39, which was higher than the national average (247.9) and the performance of students at our competitive institutions (245.2). In terms of specific discipline areas, the students performed better than the competitive group in all areas of marketing, management, finance, accounting and strategic integration assessed by the test.

2016 Status
Total scores for the Major Field Tests are reported on a scale of 220-300. The Average score of the EMBA students that took the test was 258, which was higher than the national average (248) and the performance of students at our competitive institutions (247.5). In terms of specific discipline areas, the students performed better than the competitive group in all areas of marketing, management, finance, accounting and strategic integration assessed by the test.

Objective 2 Students will demonstrate proficiency in integrating business disciplines to solve problems and formulate strategic alternatives.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Performance on each question is reported in terms of the percentage of students who answered the question correctly. Seidman business student's performance was higher than the national average. Our students answered a higher number of questions correctly in all areas of marketing, management, finance, accounting and strategic integration compared to the national average.

2016 Status
Performance on each question is reported in terms of the percentage of students who answered the question correctly. 49.67% of Seidman business students answered the questions chosen correctly in comparison to 47.59% nationally.

Outcome C Global and Inter-Cultural Competence

Objective 1 Students will identify and be sensitive to inter-cultural and global factors impacting business decision-making.

Measure 1

2018 Status
100% of the students assessed performed at level 3

Objective 2 Students will integrate inter-cultural and global factors in problem solving and decision-making.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Although, student performance on criterion 3 met the threshold performance, their ability to develop strategic options by integrating global and intercultural factors (criterion 4) was not addressed by the measure chosen for assessment.

Outcome D Values Driven Leadership

Objective 1 Students will apply ethical models and theories to decision making.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

2016 Status
Mean scores on all traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

Objective 2 Students will work effectively and collaboratively in a team towards a shared goal.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

2016 Status
Mean scores on traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

Objective 3 Students will articulate their own values-driven leadership philosophy.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Mean scores on all 5 traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.

2016 Status
Mean scores on all traits measured by the rubric exceeded the threshold.