How To Apply
Request for Proposal
Grant Overview
To encourage new and innovative approaches to STEM education in Michigan K-12 classrooms, the state Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the MiSTEM Network will award up to $200,000 in grants in FY 2022 to support the implementation of problem-, place-, and project-based (3P) learning.
Application Deadline
Submit a completed grant application using the online form by 5:00pm on April 12, 2022.
Grant Award Information
- Awards are from $5,000 up to $20,000
- A minimum of $100,000 of this total funding is specifically available for grants to support programs expanding or institutionalizing Great Lakes Freshwater STEM education.
- Priority for the remaining $100,000 will be given to programs focusing on STEM topics or issues integrating computer science.
- Geographic and demographic diversity will be a consideration in awarding funds.
- Award period is June 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.
For the full Request for Proposal click here.
For a list of Fresh Water Education Programs Database click here