Free Condoms/Birth Control/Plan B

Wear One Campaign Logo

We provide free condoms to GVSU students while increasing awareness and promoting acceptance of condom use by college students.  Our goal is to help reduce STI/D's in our community.  At GVSU, 74% of students are sexually active.  

Source: Spring 2018 National College Health Assessment (NCHA).

Free Condom Locations

Allendale Campus

Kirkhof Center: 2020 Desk, Center for Women and Gender Equity, LGBT Resource Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Veteran's Lounge (0072), Replenish (0074)

Housing & Residence Life: North C, Holton-Hooker Front Desk, Ravines Mail & Package Center, Niemeyer Front Desk, South E Front Desk, Laker Village Desk

Recreation Center: Recreation & Wellness Office, Fitness & Wellness Services

Lubbers Student Success Center: Dean of Students CARE Office

The WIT Cart: Goes out on campus weekly. Check out the WIT peer education webpage for dates/times each month. Locations are sometimes posted on RecWell Instagram.

Downtown Campuses

The WIT Cart (Devos C - Social Justice Center Space)

Replenish (CHS 353), Devos C - Social Justice Center Space

GV Family Health Center (72 Sheldon Blvd SE #130)

Near Campus

View list of other locations


Order Free Condoms by Mail

Live on Campus?

On Campus Condom Request FormIn partnership with Ottawa County Dept. of Public Health, we will intercampus mail you a free package of 10 condoms, lubricant, and sexual health and STD testing information in an unmarked envelope.  You can reorder condoms every 30 days.  Please allow 3-5 days for arrival.

Live Off Campus?

Ottawa County Department of Public Health will mail a free package of 10 condoms, lubricant, and sexual health and STD testing information in a discreet envelope.  You must be living within Allegan or Ottawa County to participate in this service and you may reorder condoms every 30 days. Visit the Ottawa County Department of Public Health website for more information.

Are you an RA?

RA Safer Sex Supply Order Form

We have a new service for RAs!

You can order condoms for your residents. You will receive 50 external condoms and 20 lube. You can also request dental dams, Plan B (Emergency Contraception), Opill (oral birth control pills), and female condoms (as they remain available).

Please order by the 5th of the month and your order will be ready in 3-5 business days. You will get an email when ready for pick up.

Birth Control Resources

On or Near Campus

The Center for Health and Well--being has FREE Plan B(Emergency Contraception) and Opill(over the counter birth control pills) available for pick up at  WIT cart locations and in the North C Living Center Room 181 


Ottawa County Department of Public Health offers affordable sexual health services including birth control, pregnancy testing and STI testing for Allendale residents.

Telemedicine Option

Nurx offers low-cost options for birth control that can be mailed to your door. There is a $15 medical consult fee. Learn more about the entire process on their website.

There are some state limitations so be sure to check state availability if you live outside of Michigan. (Nurx is available in Michigan).

WIT Blog Posts

Page last modified March 24, 2025