Course Approval Email Template

Below is a sample email you can cut and paste to request departmental approval for an overseas course.

Please CC in your initial request to the department head and continue to 'reply all' so that we receive the consecutive messages.

Be sure to include the following information when requesting departmental approval: 

  • Detailed course description (syllabus preferred)
  • Contact hours—detail the number of weeks in the semester (excluding exam period) and the number of hours per week you meet for class.
  • Total number credits the host university considers full-time for one semester 

If this is a time-sensitive request, send your email as urgent and let the Department Contact Person know the date by which you must finalize your registration. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT.  


Prof. _______________

My name is _________________ and I will be studying abroad at ______________ University in _______________(Country) for the __________ semester. I would like to take the following course(s) this semester which require departmental approval (list courses and links to descriptions/syllabus).

I am a ______________major and ________________ minor. Please review the attached/linked course syllabus/description and let me know if this course is equivalent to any course currently offered in the department. If there is not an exact match, could this course count as a special topics course? The Padnos International Center requests the following information:

  • GV Course prefix
  • GV Course number
  • Number of GV credits


Page last modified August 30, 2023