Faculty-led Program Student Resources

If you have been accepted into a faculty-led program for Spring/Summer 2025, please use this link to sign up for a MANDATORY pre-departure orientation. There are remote and in-person options that take place on different days of the week and times of day. Please select whichever session works best for you. 

On this page you will find all of the information you need to prepare for your upcoming study abroad program.

Preparing to study abroad is a process but you are not alone! This guide is a reference for the questions you may have related to your upcoming experiences, whether that is planning or information you'll need while abroad.


Budgeting & Finance

Spending Money Abroad

Practical Information

Student Responsibilities 




Additional Resources

Returning to The United States

Contact Info



If you need more assistance with understanding the processes or resources below reach out to our office or your study abroad coordinator for assistance. PIC wants to be there for you through the entire pre-departure process so don't hesitate to get in contact with us.


This section is meant to help you understand the forms that you are responsible for filing out on VIA. 


Budgeting & Finance

This section is meant to help provide you with resources to understand and manage the financial pieces of study abroad whether that is the planning process before you go, including financial aid, scholarships, and budgeting. 


Spending Money Abroad

This section helps you understand how to access and manage your personal spending abroad.


Practical Tips

This section provides pre-departure resources and practical tips you'll need to know and things you'll need to do before you go and while you are abroad.


Student Responsibilities

Be aware of what GVSU and PIC expect of you as a study abroad student.



Your health and wellness is very important to consider when you go abroad. This section will help you understand your required international health insurance through GVSU and other logistical considerations for your health and wellness before you go and while you are abroad.



Your safety abroad is very important to us. A little preparation before you leave goes a long way. This section will give your resources and tips around staying safe while abroad.



Immersing yourself in a new culture abroad is one of the most exciting things about studying abroad. This section will help prepare you on topics such as navigating cultural differences, culture shock, and how to stay open-minded and embrace the new culture around you.

South Korea

Additional Resources

This section is full of additional resources such as the Pre-Departure Checklist and resources related to identity abroad.


Returning to the United States

Find resources for students returning from study abroad.


Contact Us

You may continue to use this page as a resource before, during, and after your program. Please feel free to stop by the Padnos International Center (LOH 130), contact your faculty director, or email one of the contacts below.

Kirsten Bartels, PhD

Coordinator of Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs



Sydney Bunk, Master's of Education Student

Graduate Assistant of Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs



Page last modified March 12, 2025