France - ESSCA Angers Summer Course Equivalencies


IMPORTANT: ESSCA has changed all of their courses & the credit amounts related to those courses, so we are in the process of reapproving them. Check back later to see the new course equivalencies - this will take most of the summer 2023.

Full Course Catalog

For a list of all available courses and course descriptions at your host university, visit: 

Full Course Catalog

Pre-Approved Course Equivalencies

IMPORTANT: Other GVSU students have studied abroad at this partner institution. The chart below reflects GVSU equivalencies they have received. If you are planning on taking a course listed below, it does not require a departmental evaluation. Courses listed on this chart are not guaranteed to be offered during your semester abroad. This is not a complete list of course options offered at this partner institution. For a full list of course options, see the link above.


Host University Courses

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

Culture and Communication

BUS 301 International Business and Culture

3 Credits


Host University Courses 

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

European Union Studies

ECO 365 Environmental and Resource Economics

3 Credits


Host University Courses

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

Culture and Communication

IR 380 Culture and Communication

3 Credits


Host University Courses

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

European Union Studies

PLS 321 The European Union

3 Credits

Page last modified May 15, 2023