GVSU Provider Programs

In addition to GVSU programs, Grand Valley students can choose from 4,000+ provider programs!

STEP 1: Find an affiliate program and apply

Program Search

Many providers offer scholarships and discounts to GVSU students. 

Students also benefit from our familiarity with, and confidence in these provider programs.

For help finding a provider program, contact a Study Abroad Adviser 

STEP 2: Fill out secondary application through provider

Most provider programs will have a secondary application for you to fill out.

Please check the information on your chosen program's website. 

Discounts for GVSU Students



Additional affiliate scholarships


Grants and Scholarships available, but no automatic discounts.

For any summer or fall programs the discount code SAVE100AIFS can be used 

AIFS Grants & Scholarships


Semester or AY students will receive a discount of $200.

Summer applicants will receive a discount of $150

Additional API Scholarships


$1,000 awards Fall, Spring, or Winter Semester or Quarter programs

$1,250 for Academic Year programs

Additional ASA Scholarships


1000 EURO

Additional Babilonia Semester in Sicily

 Barcelona SAE

$1000 discount per student accepted to a SIS Semester, SIS + Internship Semester or SIS + UPF Hybrid Semester Program.

$500 discount per student accepted to a UAB, UB or UPF Semester Program.

$500 discount per student accepted to an Internship Program.

$250 discount per student accepted to a Summer Study Program.

Additional Barcelona SAE Scholarships


Grants available, but no auto discounts

Additional CIEE Scholarships

Edge Hill University

$400 discount for semester programs

Additional Edge Hill University Scholarships


All Summer - $500

All Semester - $1200

All Year - $2400

*Note: students will no longer be eligible for the CEA application based scholarships or vouchers. They can still apply for Sean Dykstra Scholarship

Additional CEA Scholarships


Summer - $500
Semester - $2,000

CET Scholarships


All students receives $250 Doris S Whitney Grant off attendance fees. Also, students who desire can apply for a work study grant for an additional $250.

Additional HISA Scholarships

Global Semesters - UNIC

$500 program discount for any fall or spring semester participant



All students receive a $200 discount

Additional ISA Scholarships

Japan Center for Michigan Universities

Students are eligible for the consortium discount

Additional Japan Center Scholarships

John Cabot University

Students receive a 10% discount on tuition.

Application fee waived.

Additional John Cabot University Scholarships


SIT matches Federal Pell Grant funding for all SIT semester programs.

Additional SIT Scholarships


All students receive a $200 discount

Additional TEAN Scholarships

University of Deusto’s CIDE program

No discount.

Additional CIDE Scholarships


Usually scholarships available, but the number and amount changes year to year and is based on the number of participants GVSU has sent in previous semesters.

Additional USAC Scholarships

About Provider Programs

All study abroad programs must be approved by the Padnos International Center prior to student participation in the program. This is to ensure that academic credits earned through another institution will be recognized by GVSU upon completion of the program. 

All academic programs must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. The academic component of the program is delivered by or supervised by GVSU faculty.
  2. It must be sponsored by a U.S. regionally accredited college or university.
  3. It must be sponsored by a non-U.S. college or university that is recognized by the official Ministry of Education or other designated higher education authority in the host country.
  4. It must be sponsored by an organization, or a part of a consortium, that is accredited or recognized by the Ministry of Education as a higher education institution.
  5. The credits taken at the non-U.S. institution, which is not part of the official higher education system in that country, may be accepted for transfer credit at GVSU with Padnos International Center, and faculty or Unit Head approval. The approval process may require submission of any or all of the following documents: (a) course descriptions, (b) instructor credentials/CV, (c) course syllabi, (d) lesson plans, (e) examination materials, (f) other curriculum material as requested, and/or (g) methods for instructional delivery.

If the academic program does not satisfy one of the above criteria it will not be approved. If you are not sure if a program meets the criteria or you cannot find information to confirm its approval status, please contact the Padnos International Center for assistance. 

Criteria for Study Abroad Program Approval

Direct Enrollment Option

Direct enrollment reflects a provider study abroad opportunities where students work directly with a host institution/University in another country to earn academic credit instead of applying through a study abroad provider. The direct enrollment option gives you access to a wider range of institutions who offer academics that meet your personal and professional interests. Students who are highly organized and willing to complete extra paperwork on their own can save a lot of money. 

See the Direct Enrollment Guide for more information.


1098T Education Tax Credit

If you will be paying tuition to a university in a different country, you may not be eligible for the IRS Education Tax Credit.  Your GVSU 1098T will show the amount of your tuition in Box 1 and an equal amount in the Scholarship/Grants in Box 5.  They will offset each other.  You will need to contact the IRS or the university that is receiving your tuition payment to find out if tuition paid may qualify for the Education Tax Credit.  For more information on the Education Tax Credit go to https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/individuals/education-credits-aotc-llc

Page last modified March 12, 2025