

Victoria Pryson, France

As I look back on my time in college, I can say without a doubt going abroad was the best decision I had ever made. During the summer I spent in France, I learned more than I ever imagined and made memories and friends I will cherish for a lifetime.

Ted Tabor, New Zealand

New Zealand and the entire study abroad experience has exceeded my expectations ten-fold. No matter how much homework you do before your trip, there will be things that surprise you and stretch your thinking - helping you to grow as an individual. 

Manté Baldwin, Japan

Go when you think about going. Don't let anything deter you. 

Elly Rosenthal, Germany

I had always wanted to go to Germany, and I was studying German and International Relations at GVSU, which made me yearn to see the world!

Samantha Riga, Italy

Studying and traveling abroad exposed me to countless opportunities to expand my knowledge of other cultures. The experience has opened doors for new career opportunity and taught me different ways to connect with others. 

Mackenzie Meckl, United Kingdom

My six weeks in London were filled with memories, spontaneous adventures and so many unique opportunities that I could never have imagined.

Megan Scott, United Kingdom

My experience abroad shaped me into a better version of myself and I don't think my words could ever truly describe what the experience did for me.

Vanesha Blackburn, Ghana

I have enjoyed every moment of Ghana since we have landed.

Brittany Moyer, Ireland

Ireland is an incredibly beautiful country in every aspect of the word.  Not only are the views breathtaking, but the Irish are some of the kindest, most generous people I have ever met.  I would go again in a heartbeat.

Jenna Wymer, Spain

During my time in Ourense, Spain I learned so much about myself and who I am as a teacher.

Page last modified July 1, 2024