

Josie Wing, Germany

Last semester, fall 2015, I spent in Germany at a partner university. During my time there, I got to visit a few different countries and only stayed at my host university three weekends. I was able to have the experience of a lifetime.

Abigail Lyons, Dominican Republic

This past summer, I spent six weeks in the Dominican Republic, with Professor Serrata.(The faculty-led program) I stayed with a host family in Santo Domingo, which is the capital of the DR, and my host mom was amazing!

Ashley Handy - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Being able to study abroad in the UAE was the best experience ever. I come from an Arab family, but I never had the opportunity to actually visit the Middle East. When I decided I wanted to study abroad, I already knew exactly where I wanted to go: Dubai.

Carolyn 'Care' McLean, South Africa

This summer was a series of excitement, challenges, exploration, enjoyment, failures, and victories.

Brad Mueller, Spain

My time abroad was incredible largely because of my incredible host family experience. My Spanish parents, Roberto and María Angeles, don't have children of their own, but host international students year round in their flat.

Liliana Rodriguez, Oman/Dubai

My experience abroad was eye opening and life changing. I went to a part of the world where many people view is horrible and unsafe, but I see it as another home.

Jessica Wojtys, Italy

My study abroad experience was everything I imagined it would be, and more. I was in awe when I was finally able to see the amazing Ancient Roman monuments and architecture in person, rather than only in pictures on the internet and in magazines.

Brody Cragg, Norway

During my time in Oslo, the program took me to government facilities, field trips, and hiking excursions all to help me better understand the Norwegian lifestyle.

Meghan Augsburger, Rwanda

My name is Meghan Augsburger and I am a Senior majoring in International Relations and minoring in German.  This summer I studied abroad in Rwanda for 3 weeks with Global Youth Connect and their partner, The New School of Eugene Lang College in NYC. 

Lily Wyble, Ghana

"The world has so much to teach. And when you let yourself soak up the knowledge, culture, and laughter of others, you learn more about yourself than you ever thought was possible. The 7 weeks I lived in Ghana were some of the best weeks of my life..."

Page last modified July 1, 2024