

Rachel Wehner, Tanzania

"My time in Tanzania, Africa, taught me so much. I gained a passion and a greater appreciation for cultures other than my own....."

Nicole Herrick, Costa Rica

"Costa Rica was everything I wished for and more. Living in a Central American country taught me how to view the world in a completely different way and gave me not only forever friends, but also an experience of a lifetime ...."

Kelsey Johnson, Tanzania

"I would not be the teacher I am today without the incredible teaching experiences I had in Arusha, Tanzania. The students and friends I have met abroad will forever hold a place in my heart."

Sarah Jennings, Spain

"My experience is Spain is one that I will never forget. Immersing myself in the Spanish culture helped me grow as a person and allowed me to grow professionally by observing a classroom outside of an American one."

Alexa VanBrocklin, Spain

"I have been abroad before, but Teacher Assisting in Spain cannot be compared. My favorite things that I brought home with me were the once in a life time memories and relationships that I will never forget."

Stephanie Kotschevar, Ireland

"Interning abroad was a once in a lifetime experience. This opportunity prepared me for my career because it forced me out of my comfort zone and taught me to adapt. I urge everyone to go abroad and discover what the world has to offer."

Geoffrey Kenney, Japan

"Many places to see and visit in Tokyo outside of classroom sessions. Plus a lot of Japanese exclusive merchandise, especially Disney based merchandise. On a side note melon soda is pretty tasty."

Michael Baldwin, Switzerland

I became exposed to cultures and languages from all over by living in an international setting, and learned more about my Swiss family heritage by visiting relatives and exploring beautiful Switzerland.

Marvis Herring, Spain

"I learned so much more about myself and a diverse community that was different than a familiar life I was used to here in the USA."

Shelby Woodby, Ghana

"My experience was unforgettable. It was life changing and completely different from anything I would have expected, but it has helped me become a much stronger person."

Page last modified July 1, 2024