

Maxine Wykle, United Kingdom

"My experience in 3 words: Eye-opening. Unbelievable. Beautiful. I planned an entire trip around the UK and it was the easiest thing to do. It is very exciting to see how close the rest of the world really is."

Alyse Griffis, Australia

"Australia changed my life from what I eat, to how I think, and to how I view life now. I gained a greater sense of independence, great friends from around the world, and an experience that I only want to continue to share to inspire others."

Sheila Garcia, Japan

"My time in Japan was full of moments in which I was constantly pushed out of my comfort zone, making even a trip to the supermarket an adventure."

Karlye Zattlin, Argentina

"Studying abroad in Argentina I expected to learn a lot in the classroom and to become more independent, and I did. But so much more important was the community and life-long friendships that I made and the lessons I learned serving underprivileged."

Amanda Furstenberg, Italy

"Studying abroad in Italy was everything I could have hoped for and more; my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!"

Kelly Hughes, South Africa

"My trip to Stellenbosch, South Africa teaching in Ida's Vallei Primary School was full of love and learning not only changing the lives of the students that I came in contact with but myself as well."

Chanon Cummings, United Kingdom

"Studying abroad really changed my life and gave me new goals for my future. It was the most scary, amazing, interesting and awesome experience of my life."

TJ Kimball, India

"Going to India was the most challenging and fulfilling thing I've ever done. I've been changed forever. There's a sense of adventure to my life now I can hardly describe. If you wish to be reborn, go to India."

Laura Coon, Spain

"My experience living in Spain for a semester was one of the best opportunities I've ever had and I am so excited to share it with people! I learned so much while I was abroad and I look forward to studying abroad again."

Megan Lubbers, Spain

"I miss the language. Spanish is my passion and it was incredible being surrounded by it. I'm excited to see the many ways I have changed because of my experience" Considering studying abro

Page last modified July 1, 2024