Switzerland Visa Guidelines

The Padnos International Center (PIC) provides the general information below as a service to GVSU students. We strive to maintain accurate information regarding visa procedures, however, changes to policies and procedures may occur frequently without our knowledge. Students are responsible for obtaining the appropriate visa for their program and must consult the consulate for the most up to date information on application procedures.

Please look over the visa information carefully and do not delay, as visa procedures are time sensitive.


Do I need a visa?

All students participating in study abroad programs in Switzerland longer than 90 days are required to apply for a student visa

Processing Time and Visa Appointment

10-12 weeks minimum processing time. Applicants are not required to appear in person at the consulate.


Application Instructions

Swiss Consulate in New York City 

Student Visa Information Sheet

Estimated Cost


Nearest Consulate or Embassy

Consulate General of Switzerland in New York

633 Third Avenue, 30th floor

New York, NY 10017-6706

United States of America

Contact Information

Phone: +1-212-599-5700

Visa E-mail: nyc.visa@eda.admin.ch

Page last modified July 2, 2024