Student Researchers
Current Student Researcher

Senetta Bancroft
Post Doc
Molly Edwards
BS Biology
Caroline Schairer
BS Integrated Science
Past Student Researchers - Where are they now?

Tanya Gupta
Kimberly Denys, BS Integrated Science, Dec. 2014
Dillon Lee, BS Biology

Catherine Duke, BS CHM, May 2015
University of Vermont Chemistry Ph.D. Program
Joe Grit, BS CHM, May 2013
High School Chemistry Teacher at Zeeland High School
Samantha Haugen, BS Integrated Science 2013
Preschool Teacher at Southern Kern Unified School District

Sherri Newenhouse, BS Integrated Science 2012
Teacher at Hudsonville Public Schools
Christina (Billman) Westveer, B.S. CHM, Dec 2010
Chemistry Teacher at Grand River Preparatory School
Karen (Luxford) Hahnenberg, B.S. BIO, May 2010
new school trying to find out

Kristina (Emery) Underwood, B.S. CHM, May 2010
Science Teacher at Briarcrest Christian High School
Divya Gunda, M.S., May 2010
Laura Kennedy, M. Ed., April 2008
Michigan State Education Ph.D. Program

Cynthia Luxford, B.S. CHM, April 2008
Ph.D., Miami University, 2013
Assistant Professor Chemistry Education Texas State University
Brittland (Winters) DeKorver, B.S. CHM, April 2007
Purdue University Chemistry Education Ph.D. Program
Ryan Wissner, B.S. BMS, May 2010
Michigan State M.D. Program 2014 Graduate