Where to Start

Welcome to the Teach-In

Since its inception, the Teach-In has been continuously reinventing itself. Each session is unique both in terms of its format and its pedagogy.

  • Teach-In Sessions are co-created by student, faculty, staff, and community members for the purpose of sharing knowledge and opening dialogue related to inequality, systems of oppression, social justice and liberation in the format of workshops, panels and other engaged pedagogies.
  • Please keep in mind that each Teach-In session should be designed to be practical, participatory and action-oriented.
  • We especially encourage topical contributions that utilize an intersectional framework that makes explicit the interplay of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and xenophobia, among other isms.
  • PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE on Sunday, October 13, 2024


Finding Co-Presenters

Our hope is that students, faculty, and staff can find ways to connect around topics of interest. That said, we know there are occasions when a person wants to present, but cannot find a partner. Should this be you, please email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to assist.


Guidelines for Teach-In Submissions

  • Session Presentation Teams must have at least two members (more is very welcome and common), at least one of whom must be a faculty or staff member.
  • We also encourage local community members as co-presenters.
  • Abstract approval will be contingent on fitting with the mission of the Teach-In, as well as clarity of writing and use of inclusive language.


Sample Topics

  • Racism
  • Gender Justice 
  • Ableism
  • Mental Health
  • Immigration
  • Ageism
  • Intersectionality
  • any other social justice topic


Submitting a Proposal

  1. One person from the team of presenters submits the proposal.
  2. The submission guidelines can be found on to the Teach-In website under the “Submit a proposal" tab.
  3. The Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC) of University Academic Senate (UAS) will review the submissions on a rolling base (so feel free to submit before the deadline!)
  4. Upon review, the EIC may provide feedback and an invitation to make adjustments should there need to be more alignment with the conference theme, more opportunities for active learning, clarity around learning outcomes, etc.
  5. The schedule will be posted on the Teach-In website, under the "Schedule" tab.

Page last modified June 21, 2024