Mandatory Reporters

Am I a mandatory reporter?

All university employees, including graduate assistants, resident assistants, and student employees, are mandatory reporters. Designated confidential employees who are exempt from this requirement are explicitly listed below.

What must I report?

Mandatory reporters must report all known details of actual or suspected discrimination, harassment, misconduct (including sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, bullying, endangerment, and hazing), and/or retaliation that:

  • Are observed or learned about in their professional capacity
  • Involve a member of the university community or
  • Occurred at a university-sponsored event or on university property


If you feel that a conversation may lead to a disclosure in accordance with the criteria above, you are encouraged to gently interrupt the person you are speaking with to inform them of your reporting obligation. The impacted individual may then decide whether to continue speaking with you. If they would like to speak with a confidential resource, please refer them to a colleague from among the list below.

A Mandatory Reporter who is themselves a target of discrimination, harassment, or other misconduct is not required to report their own experience, though they are, of course, encouraged to do so.

How do I report?

Reports may be submitted using the online reporting form or by contacting the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX:


We understand that these issues may be of a sensitive nature and can offer support to help those impacted. A report to our office provides the impacted individual with certain rights, options, and protections, and gives us the opportunity to connect with that person to discuss supportive measures and resources. Reporting does not initiate any other action.

Confidential Resources

To enable Complainants to access support and resources without filing a Report or Complaint, if they so choose, GVSU has designated specific employees as Confidential Resources. Confidential Resources are not required to report actual or suspected discrimination, harassment, or misconduct in a way that identifies the Parties. They will, however, provide the Complainant with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX’s contact information and offer options and resources. Confidential Resources should use this online form to fulfill their compliance requirement. Confidential Resources do not have any obligation to inform an outside agency or GVSU official of identifying information or the details of the allegations unless a Complainant has requested the information be shared. These employees include the following:

  • On-campus Victim Advocates
  • Employee Ombuds
  • Student Ombuds


Confidential Resources are not otherwise exempt from reporting incidents they witness or learn of in the workplace. For example, if an employee of an exempt service program witnesses sexual harassment or assault of a co-worker by another University employee or in the context of a University program or activity, the employee must report the incident.

Page last modified September 10, 2024