Students in Career Center

Student Resources

Use the chart below for links to academic/instructional support, career exploration and professional development, personal support, and University and student life.




University Life

Academic Departments

Career Center

Campus Health Center


Academic Advising 

Cover Letter and Resume

Children's Enrichment Center

Book Store

Academic Success Workshops

Interviewing and Networking

Counseling Center 

Campus Events

Athletic Advising

Internship and Student Employment

Financial Aid

Club Sports

Disability Support Resources

Office of Graduate Studies

Replenish Basic Needs Center


Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

Research and Scholarship (OURS)

Housing and Residence Life

Laker Line Bus

Speech Lab

Study Abroad

LBGT Resource Center


Structured Learning Assistance (SLA)


Nontraditional Student Resources

Public Safety

Student Success Coaching


Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)

Recreation and Wellness

Tutoring Center


Records and Registration

Student Life

Writing Center


Veterans Network


Center for Women & Gender Equity


Page last modified January 12, 2023