About UAC

University Assessment Committee (UAC)

The UAC is the standing committee of the University Academic Senate that supports and promotes program- and unit-level assessment at GVSU. The committee meets in full session biweekly during the academic year (Mondays, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.).

In addition to the biweekly meetings, UAC members meet in small groups to review and provide feedback on 50+ assessment reports and strategic plan updates every semester. The UAC has recently developed and adopted a new reporting process in conjunction with the modification of GVSU's assessment tracking and reporting system, GVAssess for the assessment of student outcomes. The committee is also developing resources to support the many university faculty and staff involved in assessment planning, implementation, and reporting.

The recent year-end reports posted under UAC Meetings describe these efforts in greater detail.

The core responsibilities of UAC include: (as revised at UAS 10/02/2020)

  • Providing leadership and support to university constituents as they design and implement the five to six year self-study report and every two years student learning outcome assessment plans/reports with strategic plans updates based on best practices.
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on assessment plans, reports, and self-studies submitted by all academic programs and most service units*.
    *service unit representatives are appointed to serve as the primary reviewer of reports submitted by service units
  • Providing instructions for reporting formats and schedules.
  • Provided feedback to Administration in support of ongoing accreditation standards as set forth by the Higher Learning Commission.
  • Conducting user training on the on-line system for reporting Assessment reviews/plans and Self-study updates/reports. 
  • Maintaining and updating the UAC website, Blackboard site, submission links as needed, and Assessment Report and Self-study (ARSS) automated timeline and notification system (4 month and 2 month notifications).

...from faculty handbook updated 4/24/2024.

Additional responsibilities and annual reports:

In addition to the normal responsibilities outlined in the faculty handbook, the UAC is receives additional charges each year from the University Academic Senate.

Page last modified July 11, 2024